Youth are like seeds; they grow best when their needs are met. SEEDLINGS programs focus on youth elementary school-aged youth. Programs emphasize the foundational elements that youth need for success: confidence, literacy, and knowledge of self.

Essex County, New Jersey
A summer leadership academy for elementary girls of African ancestry. The Camp provides girls with leadership training and confidence grounded in a sense of history and cultural understanding. At Super Camp, girls learn basic literacy in mathematics, science, history, and reading through a cultural lens. Campers receive mentorship from professional Black women trailblazers. They practice reciprocity by participating in community service activities. In operation since 2011. Successful completion of the camp is a prerequisite for SuperGirls Society (SGS), the year round leadership training program.
Self and Family Evaluation
- The pathway to success begins on day one when camp staff work with parent and child to set individual and shared goals. Parents and children complete a self-evaluation and track the progression of meeting their goals over time.
Field Trips
- Weekly explorations include active learning such as visiting the Botanical Gardens to learn about nature; visiting cultural centers and museums such as the Newark Museum and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
Health and Well-being
- Each day Super Campers participate in a daily one hour walk/run; healthy eating workshops conducted in partnership with ShopRite of West Orange, NJ.
Super Market Mathematics
- Together parent and youth learn how to secure the order in meal in order to stabilize blood sugar, the truth about dieting, how to balance a healthy plate, as well as maintaining, a healthy weight.
- Super Campers select a group of leaders and changemakers who made significant contributions to the world in the arts, entertainment, politics, athletics, and natural and social sciences. Campers develop a project on their person of interest.Campers conduct basic geographic and historical research on their place of birth, nationality and ancestry.
Mentorship: The Trailblazer Series
- Super Girls meet weekly with professional black women trailblazers in the areas of Finance, Art, Science and Technology. During their half-day experience girls have an opportunity to learn more about entrepreneurialism. Trailblazers educate girls on their professions by designing and overseeing a hands-on activity.
The Episcopal Church of St. Andrew & Holy Communion
Barnabas Health
City of Newark
Eligibility Requirements
- Elementary School (3rd-5th grade)
- African ancestry
- Girl identifies as Black
- At least one parent identifies as Black
Total Tuition: $1200
Application deadline is May 31, 2020
Financial aid application
Please download application HERE, fill it out and mail it to:
Attention: Lisa Maxwell
59 Main Street
Suite 323
West Orange, NJ 07052
Financial aid applications due with application
If eligible, we may award aid up to 75% of tuition. Financial aid awards will be notified by 6-8-20.
Some applicants will be invited for face-to-face interviews. A GrassROOTS Team member, a SuperCamp family member as well members of the Girls’ Council, and an independent Super Camp Supporter conduct interviews. The committee submits their recommendations to the President for approval.
Acceptance on a rolling basis
Notification of intent to attend camp with $200 Deposit
- Non-Refundable Deposit: $200 must be received by GrassROOTS by no later than on week after acceptance. If payment is not received, you forfeit your acceptance to camp and your financial aid. Wait listed applicants will be eligible for the forfeited spot, no exceptions.
- Balance of Payment: The remaining balance is due to GrassROOTS no later than 6-12-20, 5:00p.m. Eastern Time. If final payment is not received, you forfeit your acceptance to camp and wait listed applicants will be eligible for the forfeited spot, no exceptions.
Note: Admission into SuperCamp is the beginning of a reciprocal relationship. Applicants who are admitted into the Camp must also agree to participate in a minimum of two Super Camp fundraisers and community engagement events. This reciprocal relationship is the cornerstone of our ability to provide aid. Please note, if you miss the financial aid application deadline, you will not be eligible to receive aid, no exceptions.
Submit your payment deposit, installment or balance by clicking on the button below. Make payment after your application has been accepted and you have received an email from our staff regarding your payment procedure and details. Secure payment is made via PayPal. PayPal accepts payment via credit card, and PayPal balance or credit. Payment is final and there are no refunds.
When you click on the button below, you will be directed to PayPal page. Please enter the dollar amount at the top left corner where it says “Item Price” and click on “Update”. Then enter your credit card information or log in to your PayPal account if you have one.
If you have questions, please contact Lisa Maxwell at
Hours of operation: 9-5pm
Dr. Janice Johnson Dias,
Lisa Maxwell – Sponsorships & Financial Aid,

City of Philly, Pennsylvania
A summer leadership academy for elementary girls of African ancestry. The Camp provides girls with leadership training and confidence grounded in a sense of history and cultural understanding. At Super Camp, girls learn basic literacy in mathematics, science, history, and reading through a cultural lens. Campers receive mentorship from professional Black women trailblazers. They practice reciprocity by participating in community service activities. In operation since 2011.
Self and Family Evaluation
- The pathway to success begins on day one when camp staff work with parent and child to set individual and shared goals. Parents and children complete a self-evaluation and track the progression of meeting their goals over time.
Field Trips
- Weekly explorations include active learning such as visiting the Botanical Gardens to learn about nature; visiting cultural centers and museums such as the Newark Museum and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
Health and Well-being
- Each day Super Campers participate in a daily one hour walk/run; healthy eating workshops conducted in partnership with ShopRite of West Orange, NJ.
Super Market Mathematics
- Together parent and youth learn how to secure the order in meal in order to stabilize blood sugar, the truth about dieting, how to balance a healthy plate, as well as maintaining, a healthy weight.
- Super Campers select a group of leaders and changemakers who made significant contributions to the world in the arts, entertainment, politics, athletics, and natural and social sciences. Campers develop a project on their person of interest.Campers conduct basic geographic and historical research on their place of birth, nationality and ancestry.
Mentorship: The Trailblazer Series
- Super Girls meet weekly with professional black women trailblazers in the areas of Finance, Art, Science and Technology. During their half-day experience girls have an opportunity to learn more about entrepreneurialism. Trailblazers educate girls on their professions by designing and overseeing a hands-on activity.
Office of Councilwoman Cindy Bass
Office of State Legislature Stephen Kinsey
Temple Builders
Eligibility Requirements
- Elementary School (1st-5th grade)
- African ancestry
- Girl identifies as Black
- At least one parent identifies as Black
- Philadelphia Resident, with preference for girls in Zip Code 19144
Total Tuition: $1000
Application closes 3-29-19
SuperCamp Open House
Financial aid application
Please download application HERE, fill it out and mail it to:
Attention: Lisa Maxwell
59 Main Street
Suite 323
West Orange, NJ 07052
Financial aid applications due with application
If eligible, we may award aid up to 75% of tuition. Financial aid awards will be notified by 5.16-19.
Some applicants will be invited for face-to-face interviews. A GrassROOTS Team member, a SuperCamp family member as well members of the Girls’ Council, and an independent Super Camp Supporter conduct interviews. The committee submits their recommendations to the President for approval.
Acceptance on a rolling basis
Notification of intent to attend camp with $200
- Non-Refundable Deposit: $200 must be received by GrassROOTS no later than on week after acceptance. If payment is not received, you forfeit your acceptance to camp and your financial aid. Wait listed applicants will be eligible for the forfeited spot, no exceptions.
- Balance of Payment: The remaining balance is due to GrassROOTS no later than 5-13-19, 5:00p.m. Eastern Time. If final payment is not received, you forfeit your acceptance to camp and wait listed applicants will be eligible for the forfeited spot, no exceptions.
Note: Admission into SuperCamp is the beginning of a reciprocal relationship. Applicants who are admitted into the Camp must also agree to participate in a minimum of two Super Camp fundraisers and community engagement events. This reciprocal relationship is the cornerstone of our ability to provide aid. Please note, if you miss the financial aid application deadline, you will not be eligible to receive aid, no exceptions.
Submit your payment deposit, installment or balance by clicking on the button below. Make payment after your application has been accepted and you have received an email from our staff regarding your payment procedure and details. Secure payment is made via PayPal. PayPal accepts payment via credit card, and PayPal balance or credit. Payment is final and there are no refunds.
When you click on the button below, you will be directed to PayPal page. Please enter the dollar amount at the top left corner where it says “Item Price” and click on “Update”. Then enter your credit card information or log in to your PayPal account if you have one.
If you have questions, please contact Lisa Maxwell at
Hours of operation: 9-5pm
Ali Scott–Program Director, ascott@
Lisa Maxwell – Sponsorships & Financial Aid,

Newark, New Jersey
Super Boys
An exploration of self, family and community through a cultural lens. Parents and advocates urged us to pilot a companion program to Super Camp for girls.
Boys participated in
- Fitness Training
- History
- Kemetic Yoga
- Library study
- Public Presentation/Oration
- Sports Science
- Super Market Mathematics
Boys memorized and performed W.E.B DuBois an excerpt of “Niagra Movement” speech at the Super Camp Finale.
Friday performance: 5-6:30pm
ShopRite of Essex Green
Athletic Genius
In the Wink of an Eye
The Living Source
Eligibility Requirements
- Elementary school-aged boy
- African ancestry (5-9 years old)
- At lease one parent identifies as Black
- Lives in Essex County, New Jersey
Financial aid application (Limited financial aid is available.)
Please download PDF application HERE, fill it out and mail it to:
Attention: Lisa Maxwell
59 Main Street
Suite 323
West Orange, NJ 07052
Application due: 3-2-18
Tuition: $750
Deposit: $200 due by 4-30-18
Balance Payment due by 5-31-18
SuperCamp Orientation 6.9.18
Submit your payment deposit, installment or balance by clicking on the button below. Make payment after your application has been accepted and you have received an email from our staff regarding your payment procedure and details. Secure payment is made via PayPal. PayPal accepts payment via credit card, and PayPal balance or credit. Payment is final and there are no refunds.
When you click on the button below, you will be directed to PayPal page. Please enter the dollar amount at the top left corner where it says “Item Price” and click on “Update”. Then enter your credit card information or log in to your PayPal account if you have one.
If you have questions, please contact Lisa Maxwell at
Contact: Ronald Raymond
Paul Williams