Our mission is to create a world where all girls grow up to be healthy women.
GrassROOTS Community Foundation is a public health and social action organization. We invest in our community members’ collective well-being so that they can use their healthy energy to transform themselves, their families and communities. We fund, support, develop and scale community health and wellness programs for women and girls, particularly those who are impoverished. We also advocate for policies and practices that reduce disparities and foster equity.
Influenced by Dr. Sandra Lewis, our work is inspired by African principles of harmony: Maat. We utilize four of the core principles: Truth, Order, Balance and Reciprocity. These principles are evident in our curriculum and in our organizational practice. We strive to create harmony in ourselves and in the world.

Understanding the basic truths about health.

Learning the skills necessary to make health a priority.

Integrating and using those skills in everyday practice.

Sharing those skills with friends, family and community; advocating for change.