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Green Ribbon Week 2022

Join the GrassROOTS SuperGirls’ public health initiative #Green Ribbon Week - a campaign to promote positive mental health of youth.   #GreenRibbonWeek is September 19th-23rd   The campaign goals are: Educate youth about ways to maintain good mental health practices. Encourage adults to engage in practices that facilitate dialogue with youth. Make conversations about mental health as common as conversations about physical health.

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Thank you 2021

Thank you 2021 and beyond

Thank you and community highlights of 2021   Turkey Challenge Turkey Challenge winner….The Communities of Philadelphia, Atlanta and Newark   TeamJanice provided the most meals. TeamLisa had the most corporate donors. TeamTia had the greatest number of donors. TeamAja brought in the most new donors to GCF. #GivingTuesday We did it. Because of you, we raised $25,000 for the Love In Action school and community center in the rural community of Guirand, Haiti. Super News GCF has earned two grants…

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Red Dot Day 2021

Join the GrassROOTS SuperGirls’ public health initiative #RedDotDay: a campaign to normalize conversations about periods and support efforts to end period poverty.   #RedDotDay is October 22nd   The campaign aims to draw attention to matters of gender equity so we can: End the stigma and shame associated with periods Encourage all genders to become collectively informed about the importance of periods Increase free access to menstrual essentials Support legislative action to end the tampon tax

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SuperPledge 2021

It’s a New Year!! We are delighted to see 2021 and excited that we are month away from our President Dr. Janice Johnson Dias’ Birthday. We are celebrating this moment by focusing on our health. Join us for  #GCFSugarPledge, The Winter Edition   Same rules. New prize. New dates. Start date: January 11 End date: February 11   Winners will be selected based on FB and IG posts that tag GrassROOTS and use the hashtag #GCFSugarPledge   Bonus credit given for…

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Green Ribbon Week 2020

Join the GrassROOTS SuperGirls’ public health initiative #Green Ribbon Week - a campaign to promote positive mental health of youth.   #GreenRibbonWeek is September 21-25th   The campaign goals are: For YOUTH: Educate yourself and youth around you about ways to maintain good mental health. Model ways for peers to adopt daily healthy lifestyles within their communities, especially their schools and homes.   For ADULTS: Encourage adults to engage in practices that facilitate dialogue with young people. Provide examples for…

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The Sugar Issue

At GrassROOTS we are devoted to promoting wellness by helping our community members eat healthier and moving more as well as sharing their knowledge with each other. In so doing we hope to reduce the incidences of obesity and optimizing well-being. For these reasons, we ask that community members reduce or eliminate artificial sugars from their daily diets. Instead, we ask that community members choose healthy, natural sugars from fruits.

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Her Flow Foundation and Shelley Ann Weekes

Partner Spotlight: Her Flow Foundation and Shelley Ann Weekes HerFlow is a Social Enterprise formed by Author and Activist Shelly-Ann Weeks to address the stigma and shame associated with menstruation, end period poverty in Jamaica, and become a source of information for Female Reproductive Health.   Her Flow has organized and co-partnered with GrassROOTS in our efforts to remove the blockades that prevent or obstruct girls’ educational access.   On April 3, Her Flow has once again collaborated to produce…

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#GreenRibbonWeek Update

#GreenRibbonWeek—a SuperGirl lead public health initiative aimed at supporting youth mental health—was a raging success.   Throughout the week of September 14th, adults and youth showed their commitment to supporting positive mental health for youth.   Adults at Mastercard and GlaxoSmithKline donned their green and posted online.   Youth at Kelly Elementary School, Roosevelt Middle School, and West Orange High School flooded the hallways with their green.   West Orange High School and Central High School in Newark held yoga…

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SuperGirl Amina News

SuperGirl Amina is the girl ambassador for the #EndPeriodPoverty campaign. She traveled with the GCF team to Jamaica earlier this year and now she is traveling to Accra. With the support of the Rotary Club of Accra, Proctor and Gamble, Uzima Dance Fitness and Dr. Tiffenia Archie, Amina and the GCF board members Dr. Janice Johnson and Lisa Maxwell, they will deliver sanitary napkins to four schools across Ghana. In 2020, GCF will be forming year round pantries for girls…

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End Period Poverty in Newark NJ

Girls in poverty will miss almost one third of a school year, simply because they are a girl. Thirty-seven states tax girls and women for period products.   As early as age 9, the majority of girls will begin menstruation. This launch into womanhood constitutes many changes to their lives. For girls with meager and limited resources menstruation introduces new and more stressful financial burdens. The consequences of which can impede their educational achievements. The effects are compounded for those…

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