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#WhatOrphansWant Update

The GrassROOTS Team traveled to Haiti on June 15th for the #WhatOrphansWant social action initiative by SuperGirl Olivia Raymond. The trip followed the What Orphans Want Benefit Concert just a week prior, which raised $12,000 to grant the wishes of youth in Haiti. $5,000 of the dollars raised was donated to Child Hope International, an orphanage located in Port-au-Prince. The remaining dollars were spent on granting the individual wishes of children at the Love in Action School in Guirand.  …

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End Period Poverty Video

About #EndPeriodPoverty   GrassROOTS has taken a global approach to the issue of period poverty. As us, we are collecting and donating sanitary supplies to girls in Newark, Jamaica, and Ghana.   This work is an imperative because across the world girls living in poverty will miss almost one third of a school year, simply because they menstruate. These are often the same girls who are eligible for free and reduced lunches. Therefore, because of the bias and stigma around…

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ZenZone Social Action Project

Thank you for supporting SuperGirl Ariyan’s ZenZone social action project. Because of your generous support Ariyan has successfully raised $500 for the Arthritis Foundation. Through your donations she was able to create 100 go-boxes for youth coping with invisible pain. Each box with ice packs, comfy socks, zen coloring books, stress balls, and fidget spinners will help to provide comfort to youth who experience this chronic and sometime debilitating illness.   On June 2nd in West Orange, New Jersey, Ariyan in…

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No To Sugar Challenge 2019

Say NO To Sugar 2019 Join the #GCFSugarPledge   WHY?   According to medical and public health officials, excessive intake of sugar can negatively impact our minds and our bodies. High-sugar diets have been associated with an increased risk of many diseases, including heart disease, the number one cause of death worldwide. Research evidence suggests that high-sugar diets can lead to obesity, inflammation and high triglyceride, blood sugar and blood pressure levels — all risk factors for heart disease.  …

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Support #WhatOrphansWant

Join SuperGirl Olivia in granting the wishes of children in Haiti. Using the power of song, we are raising funds to help children in Haiti.   About this Event There are more than 32,000 orphaned youth living in Haiti, more than anywhere in North America, do not always get what they wish. Most of these children became orphans after the 2010 earthquake, placed in orphanages by their parents to keep them alive. Others are in orphanages because their family members…

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Job Opening – New Jersey

Intern Roles & Responsibilities: The GrassROOTS Community Foundation (GCF) intern will work closely with the Program Director, GrassROOTS President, team members and Super Camp families and SuperGirls. Primary roles and responsibilities include but are not limited to:  Assist the GCF Program Director Take written notes during presentations and workshops; Aid in the development of presentations; Help in composing weekly wrap-up; Make appointments; Greet presenters. Assist with final presentations and performance. Assist Team members with set up of camp site; Serve…

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Social Action Projects

At GrassROOTS, we train young black girls to use their skills and talents to make a difference in the world. Leadership training begins in the first grade and extends through high school. By the time our girls are in sixth grade, we begin assessing their capacity to share what they have been taught in our leadership development programs.  Social action projects is our primary mechanism for evaluating their leadership competencies.   More specifically,  we use social action projects to evaluate…

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End Period Poverty in Jamaica

On April 15, GrassROOTS Community Foundation President and Board member along with SuperGirls Amina and Marley Dias  will travel to Jamaica to deliver sanitary napkins to Montego Bay High School. This trip is a part of of GCF’s ongoing efforts to end period poverty.   As early as age 9, the majority of girls will begin menstruation. This launch into womanhood constitutes many changes to their lives. For girls with meager and limited resources menstruation introduces new and more stressful…

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International Day of the Woman

International Day of the Woman gives us an opportunity to honor women who enhance our joy and our liberty.   GrassROOTS celebrates two hardworking Supermoms who inspire our girls and embody our work.   There are so many stories like these so we encourage each of you to watch these videos, then handwrite a letter and read it to a woman in your life. Call her or send a video to tell her how she helps to enhance your joy…

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