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turkey challenge

Turkey Challenge 2023

Help us provide meals for 500 families in Newark, New Jersey and Atlanta, Georgia   Donate $25 = 1 healthy meal for families   Turkey Challenge will be from Oct. 23rd through Nov. 18th   TeamLisa  + TeamJanice = TeamGive   Over the past decade, we provided thousands of meals to families in Newark, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Boston.   This year fundraising goal is $10,000.   Funds raised will provide meals for elders and community members at Georgia King Village,…

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Thank you 2021

Thank you 2021 and beyond

Thank you and community highlights of 2021   Turkey Challenge Turkey Challenge winner….The Communities of Philadelphia, Atlanta and Newark   TeamJanice provided the most meals. TeamLisa had the most corporate donors. TeamTia had the greatest number of donors. TeamAja brought in the most new donors to GCF. #GivingTuesday We did it. Because of you, we raised $25,000 for the Love In Action school and community center in the rural community of Guirand, Haiti. Super News GCF has earned two grants…

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2020 Turkey Drive Challenge begins

For the past ten years, GrassROOTS has been providing necessary resources for families in need. This year, GrassROOTS will host #GiveThanks Turkey Giveaway events in Newark, New Jersey and Atlanta, Georgia.   Our New Jersey giving will go to residents of Newark. This includes students at Central High School and residents of Georgia King Village (GKV) in the West Ward of Newark.  GKV is a housing development in Newark, and home to a significant number of single, black mothers and their children. Almost…

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GiveThanks Save the Date

The pandemic has exacerbated food insecurity in America. One in nine Americans are food insecure. In 2018, more than 38 million people are lived in poverty in America. Four a family of four, that means earning just $25,000 per year. Additionally, in September more than 800,000 new claims for unemployment insurance. These numbers demonstrate the high level of distress that is pervasive among the society.   For the past ten years, GrassROOTS has responded to food insecurity in our communities…

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Families in New Jersey and Georgia are the real winners of the #TurkeyChallenge

Mona Scott-Young is the undisputed champion of the GrassROOTS Turkey Challenge beating board members, Lisa Maxwell and Dr. Janice Johnson. But the real winners are the hundreds of families who received healthy meals this holiday season.   Funds raised by the competitive turkey challenge allowed GrassROOTS to purchase 20lb turkeys, organic fruit and veggies for families at Georgia King Village in Newark and QLS Gardens in Atlanta.   For pictures of the GrassROOTS Give Back events go to: Georgia King…

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2019 Turkey Drive Challenge begins

For the past nine years, GrassROOTS has been providing necessary resources for families in need. This year, GrassROOTS will host #GiveThanks Turkey Giveaway events in Newark, New Jersey and Atlanta, Georgia.   Our New Jersey giving will go to residents of Newark. This includes students at Central High School and residents of Georgia King Village (GKV) in the West Ward of Newark.  GKV is a housing development in Newark, and home to a significant number of single, black mothers and their children. Almost…

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Senior Dinner

On November 21st, GrassROOTS will host a dinner for elders living at Georgia King Village a housing development in the West Ward of Newark. We will provide a 4-course seated meal, music and entertainment by the SuperGirls. INDIVIDUALS CAN VOLUNTEER TO HELP SERVE ELDERS - CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER

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Turkey GiveAway

Proceeds from the Turkey competition and gala allow us to provide a turkey along with organic fruits and vegetables for families during the holiday. Each year we make it our goal to provide a complete and healthy meal for all those who sign up that they are in need of support. While Georgia King Village has and remains a core priority, GrassROOTS also serves other institutions that reach out to us for support. In the past we have provided to…

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Join Our 2017 Turkey Challenge

For the past seven years, GrassROOTS has been providing necessary resources for Newark, the West Ward neighborhood and the over 1,000 families living at Georgia King Village, a housing development in Newark, and home to a significant number of single, black mothers and their children. Almost 30 percent of Newark’s residents live below the US poverty threshold and 1 in 5 residents of Essex County are food insecure. This year we have partnered with the City of Newark and the…

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2016 Give Thanks Benefit Gala

GrassROOTS, Mona Scott-Young, CEO, Monami Entertainment and Marley Dias, Founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks hosted the 5th Annual Give Thanks Benefits Gala, to raise funds to support GrassROOTS’ work in New Jersey.   This year’s Give Thanks honored three Wellness Warriors. Women who despite of their own mental health challenges have shown great courage in the face of their own devastating health challenges but continue to selflessly give back to their communities. We also recognized Volunteer of the Year, Sherille Raymond who…

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