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SuperGirls Learn the Basics of Good Mental and Sexual Health

Mental Health: Identity Our goal is to increase self-efficacy and girls’ confidence. In so doing we strive to reduce incidences of anxiety and depression, and suicide rates. Kazi of The Medicine Lifestyle, taught the New Jersey SuperGirls about focus, form, and force through the art of Tai Chi. Campers learned this ancient art to help cultivate their ability to quiet their minds and bodies. The girls met the practice with initial resistance, but eventually perfected their movements and breathing techniques…

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Grassroots Starts Sorority with Focus on Sisterhood and Service

In response to the community requests, the GrassROOTS Community Foundation has formed the SuperGirls Society.   The purpose of the SuperGirls Society (SGS) is to support the health and wellbeing of Black girls, foster Black sisterhood, and to serve as an example of Black girl excellence. SGS is a branch of the GrassROOTS Community Foundation’s SuperCamp program. Based on the four principles of Maat: Truth, Order, Balance, and Reciprocity -- this unique association will provide a safe community space for…

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