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Quantitative Public Health Data Literacy Training

During February/Black History Month, GrassROOTS Community Foundation and NYU School of Global Public Health will be offering the course for the general public.   Dr. Melody S. Goodman is the Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor of Biostatistics at New York University School of Global Public Health. Dr. Janice Johnson Dias is an Associate Professor of Sociology at John Jay College and the President of the GrassROOTS Community Foundation, a training organization with an emphasis on public health and…

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As 2020 draws to a close, we need your support to continue our work at GrassROOTS Community Foundation.   We are a training organization with a focus on public health and social justice. Our work is becoming more relevant each day, particularly as we continue to battle a global pandemic and racial strife within the United States and abroad. GrassROOTS’ mission begins with girls and the environments that shape their lives, namely home and schools.   In 2021, we will…

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2020 Turkey Drive Challenge begins

For the past ten years, GrassROOTS has been providing necessary resources for families in need. This year, GrassROOTS will host #GiveThanks Turkey Giveaway events in Newark, New Jersey and Atlanta, Georgia.   Our New Jersey giving will go to residents of Newark. This includes students at Central High School and residents of Georgia King Village (GKV) in the West Ward of Newark.  GKV is a housing development in Newark, and home to a significant number of single, black mothers and their children. Almost…

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GiveThanks Save the Date

The pandemic has exacerbated food insecurity in America. One in nine Americans are food insecure. In 2018, more than 38 million people are lived in poverty in America. Four a family of four, that means earning just $25,000 per year. Additionally, in September more than 800,000 new claims for unemployment insurance. These numbers demonstrate the high level of distress that is pervasive among the society.   For the past ten years, GrassROOTS has responded to food insecurity in our communities…

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Public health data literacy course SUCCESS!

This summer GrassROOTS partnered with New York University School of Global Public Health to create a one of a kind public health data literacy course. We felt compelled to create this class because according to the 2020 social progress index: “The United States is #1 in the world in quality of universities but #91 in access to quality basic education”.  This makes a strong argument for introducing teaching younger to key social and health issues. Further, this piece of data…

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SuperGirl Marley Dias hosts and executive produces a Netflix series

Bookmarks: Celebrating Black Voices is a live-action collection of twelve five minute episodes featuring prominent Black celebrities and artists reading children's books from Black authors that highlight the Black experience.   The series premiered on 1 September and is available to watch globally on Netflix as well as Netflix Jr. YouTube channel. It includes 12 episodes, each around 5 minutes.  

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Parent Like It Matters

GrassROOTS President and Founder has written a book

Parent Like It Matters is an accessible blueprint to embolden our daughters to be critical thinkers and problem-solvers. Published by Ballantine Books, an imprint of RandomHouse.   Dr. Johnson Dias knows that self-realized girls are created through intentional parenting. And so she asks parents to make deliberate choices—from babyhood through adolescence—that will give their girls the resources and foundation to take hold of their own futures and to create sustainable social change.   Unlike other parenting experts, Dr. Johnson Dias…

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Green Ribbon Week 2020

Join the GrassROOTS SuperGirls’ public health initiative #Green Ribbon Week - a campaign to promote positive mental health of youth.   #GreenRibbonWeek is September 21-25th   The campaign goals are: For YOUTH: Educate yourself and youth around you about ways to maintain good mental health. Model ways for peers to adopt daily healthy lifestyles within their communities, especially their schools and homes.   For ADULTS: Encourage adults to engage in practices that facilitate dialogue with young people. Provide examples for…

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