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GCF goes global

From New Jersey to Haiti, Jamaica and Ghana, GrassROOTS work has expanded beyond the United States.   In June 2019, SuperGirl Olivia’s project and JetBlue brought us to Haiti to support orphaned youth and students. Additionally, we have amplified our efforts to increase educational opportunities for girls. GCF Team members  made several trips to Jamaica and a seminal trip to Ghana.   In collaboration with  Uzima Dance Fitness in Newark, Her Flow Foundation in Jamaica and the Rotary of Accra-Airport…

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Social Action Projects

At GrassROOTS, we train young black girls to use their skills and talents to make a difference in the world. Leadership training begins in the first grade and extends through high school. By the time our girls are in sixth grade, we begin assessing their capacity to share what they have been taught in our leadership development programs.  Social action projects is our primary mechanism for evaluating their leadership competencies.   More specifically,  we use social action projects to evaluate…

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Help Us End Period Poverty

Girls in poverty will miss almost one third of a school year, simply because they are a girl. Thirty-seven states tax girls and women for period products.   As early as age 9, the majority of girls will begin menstruation. This launch into womanhood constitutes many changes to their lives. For girls with meager and limited resources menstruation introduces new and more stressful financial burdens. The consequences of which can impede their educational achievements. The effects are compounded for those…

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Power of women honoree Ava Duvernay

#1000BLACKGIRLBOOKS and the GRASSROOTS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION congratulate AVA DUVERNAY as a POWER OF WOMEN HONOREE   We applaud you for being a disrupter in your industry and for paving the way for future generations. We appreciate the way you use your power and thank you for showing the world the beauty and diversity of black women and girls. Your work inspires young girls and women around the world to be a leader and follow their passion to make a difference…

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Grassroots Starts Sorority with Focus on Sisterhood and Service

In response to the community requests, the GrassROOTS Community Foundation has formed the SuperGirls Society.   The purpose of the SuperGirls Society (SGS) is to support the health and wellbeing of Black girls, foster Black sisterhood, and to serve as an example of Black girl excellence. SGS is a branch of the GrassROOTS Community Foundation’s SuperCamp program. Based on the four principles of Maat: Truth, Order, Balance, and Reciprocity -- this unique association will provide a safe community space for…

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