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GrassROOTS No To Sugar Challenge 2018

Join the #GCFSugarPledge.   WHY?   According to medical and public health officials, excessive intake of sugar can negatively impact our minds and our bodies. At GrassROOTS we are devoted to promoting and supporting wellness by helping our community members eat healthier and move more. We are also committed to sharing information that helps us all live and longer healthier lives. In so doing we hope to reduce the incidences of obesity and optimize well-being. For these reasons, we are…

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GrassROOTS Community Foundation’s Think F.A.S.T.E.R Conference

It was held on Friday, April 13, 2018 at Essex County College in Newark, NJ. This one of a kind convening that brings together high school and college girls from New Jersey focuses on offering strategies for how girls can succeed in Finance, Arts, Science, Technology, Engineering and Research.   Girl participants had an opportunity to meet with high-level executives from each of these fields. Each of these women investor has been specifically selected because their narratives mirror the girls we…

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SuperCamp Philly Program Director

Job Summary: GrassROOTS Community Foundation (GCF) is a public health and social action organization. Our mission is to create a world where all girls grow up to be healthy women.  Using social science and public health research, GrassROOTS develops place-based community wellness programs and initiatives for women and girls, particularly those who represent vulnerable populations; we do so because these individuals and their communities often bear the burdens of health and economic challenges. In practice, we train and develop women…

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Program Fellow

Job Summary: GrassROOTS Community Foundation (GCF) is a public health and social action organization. Our mission is to create a world where all girls grow up to be healthy women.  Using social science and public health research, GrassROOTS develops place-based community wellness programs and initiatives for women and girls, particularly those who represent vulnerable populations; we do so because these individuals and their communities often bear the burdens of health and economic challenges. In practice, we train and develop women…

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Think F.A.S.T Conference Promo Video

Less than 15 percent of women of color are employed in management, business, and financial operations occupations. Yet, the new global marketplace demands their innovation and leadership.   Think F.A.S.T Conference: Girls Succeeding in FINANCE, ARTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY is daylong event that offers high school and college girls the chance to learn from women of color leaders with who have demonstrated innovation, entrepreneurship, ingenuity and leadership in the top growing industries.   Please visit our event page for upcoming conference.

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Invest in Black Girls Leadership Training

After years of success in New Jersey and a short pilot in Philadelphia, GrassROOTS Community Foundation is ready to expand our girls leadership training model. We are seeking your support to develop more black girl changemakers.   Support black girl leadership in New Jersey and Philly by donating today!!   SuperCamp: The Leadership Training Experience  For 8 years, we have trained 50+ black girls at SuperCamp, the summer intensive leadership training program where our SuperGirls learn the foundation of becoming changemakers.  …

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College and Graduate Student Training and Internships

GrassROOTS Community Foundation is a public health and social action organization.   We train girls to become civic leaders and change agents regardless of their field of interests. To meet this goal, we work with and support organizations and individuals who share and live our values.   Below you will find an outline of our core principles and the ways in which we operationalize these values.   Please read the GrassROOTS Community Foundation Principles document HERE.   AREAS OF INTERNSHIP…

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SuperCamp application for girls 1st-8th grade is now open (Summer 2018)

The same camp that trained SuperGirl Marley Dias is now accepting applicants. Applications for our leadership development program are open. If you live in the City of Philadelphia and Essex County, New Jersey, you are eligible to apply for our SuperGirlsSociety (SGS).  SGS is a family-based yearlong leadership development program that works with black girls (1st thru 8th grade) and their caregiving circle. This unique association provides public health and social action programming with an emphasis on sisterhood and service…

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Thank You For Investing In Girls

For 7 years, with little funding and lots of heart, the GrassROOTS Community Foundation has been investing in girls and transforming communities. The outcomes we've seen speak to the passion we bring and the genius of the girls and communities in which we work.   Thank you to all who have joined us on this journey as we continue the quest to create a world where ALL girls grow up to be healthy women. We are grateful for your contributions,…

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Marley Receives the Smithsonian’s American Ingenuity Award

It wasn’t the sudden dinner theater that got the crowd on its feet, though. The lone ovation was reserved for 12-year-old Marley Dias, who launched an initiative called #1000BlackGirlBooks out of frustration that most of the literature she was being assigned in her Philadelphia-area school “were about white boys and their dogs.” Her project set out to find—and donate—1,000 books with black, female protagonists; so far she’s collected 10,000.   Click on the source link below to see full article and Marley's…

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