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Full Court Dress Youth Charity Basketball Game

#FullCourtDress promotes giving back and fitness in a fun and festive environment. SuperGirl Tori, an avid and skilled basketball player is bridging her love for the game with her commitment to helping homeless families. Her goal is to collect at least 100 coats that protect children from the cold of winter. The basketball game will be youth-led, including a half-time fashion show. With support from local college team players and former WNBA players, the event is an example of youth…

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2016 SuperCamp Registration for Leaves SuperGirls at Lingelbach School in Germantown, PA

SuperCamp is a family-based camp for girls of African descent. Our camp is based on psychological theories that recognize the relationship between positive racial and social identity development for children’s well-being. As a supplement to children’s educational experience, we focus on areas of African and African American history not typically included in standard school curricula. SuperGirls explore and learn the histories of cultural icons and heroes that reflect their own biographies.

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