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Roots, Rock, Run Community 5K Race Training

Come one, come all! Let’s reclaim our health and our communities. Join GrassROOTS Community Foundation’s public health initiative. Our free 10-week race training program begins Saturday, March 4 at 10am. Waterview Recreation Center 5826 McMahon St., Philadelphia, PA 19144. Run with us as a part of our public health and social action program. Coach Dawn Roberts and our team of volunteers will lead us on a fun wellness journey. No registration required. Walk. Run. Dance. Let’s Move Together.

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5th Annual Roots, Rock, Run Community 5K – Free Race Training Program

Come one, come all! Let's reclaim our health and our communities.   Join GrassROOTS Community Foundation’s public health initiative. Our free 10-week race training program begins Saturday, March 4 at 10am. Waterview Recreation Center 5826 McMahon St., Philadelphia, PA 19144.   Run with us as a part of our public health and social action program. Coach Dawn Roberts and our team of volunteers will lead us on a fun wellness journey.   No registration required. Walk. Run. Dance. Let's Move…

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1000 Titles of #1000BlackGirlBooks

After months of reviewing and collecting books, we are happy to report that the resource guide now has 1000 independent titles of black girl books. As of January 2017, the campaign has collected 9000 books where black girls are the main characters-that equals 1535 distinct books. We are not done. If you know of a black girl book, not listed in the resource guide, please send us a copy or two so we can add it to our collection.   If…

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Recruiting Middle School Girls for Wellness Program in Philadelphia

LEAVES, a free public health and social action program for girls in 4th-8th grade, will resume this month.   GrassROOTS is training girls to be healthy and how to use their healthy energy to make a difference in the world.   Our curriculum focuses on four key elements of adolescent girls’ development: Physical Health (healthy eating and physical activity) Mental Health (self-confidence and positive self-image) Sexual Health (informed sexual decision-making) Economics of Health (how money affects our health)   Girls…

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F.A.B. – Fitness and Bites

Kick off your New Year by choosing to invest in our health and well-being. We are better together, so let's move together. Family friendly wellness community activity led by Coach Lez, Temple Building Fitness. Delicious healthy snacks will be provided. Free and open to all middle school aged girls and their caregiving circles. Questions? Contact Jeanelle Lawson at or 215-964-9858

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Holiday Break Activities

Learn new skills, make new friends, try to new foods and have fun in a safe environment. Join GrassROOTS Community Foundation on December 30th for a New Year’s Day Party. Safe, fun, holiday turn-up. Live DJ. Food and Prizes. Free and open to all middle school aged girls and their caregiving circles. 10:00am - 2:00pm.   Waterview Recreation Center 5826 McMahon Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 RSVP: Questions? Contact Jeanelle Lawson at or 215-964-9858   RSVP HERE

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Winter Wellness Cooking Workshops

Join us December 28th  - December 30th as we teach the fundamentals of preparing healthy, easy and delicious meals. Over the 3 days girls will make their own Afro-Latin holiday dishes and other tasty afterschool snacks. Each day, caregivers will get a chance to be tastemasters. No cooking and lots of eating with no clean up--adults this is a gift for you. On the final day, we will have a pre-New Year's Day party. Live DJ with plenty of food…

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Winter Wellness Cooking Workshops

Join us December 28th  - December 30th as we teach the fundamentals of preparing healthy, easy and delicious meals. Over the 3 days girls will make their own Afro-Latin holiday dishes and other tasty afterschool snacks. Each day, caregivers will get a chance to be tastemasters. No cooking and lots of eating with no clean up--adults this is a gift for you. On the final day, we will have a pre-New Year's Day party. Live DJ with plenty of food…

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Wellness Coach: Sexual Health Germantown, Philadelphia

In your role, you will work with girls to increase their body confidence and to provide scientifically accurate information about their development and well-being. As a coach, you will also work closely with the girls, their families, and the community to execute social action work in their community. In addition, the coach will collaborate with their fellow coaches as well as with The GrassROOTS team President, Program, Partnership and Research Team.

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Wellness Coach: Physical Health LEAVES Germantown, Philadelphia

In your role as Physical Health Wellness Coach will be responsible for facilitating health and wellness workshops and for helping youth achieve the highest level of wellness. You will support girls in eating well by increasing their intake of food and vegetables and reducing their intake of excessive artificial sugar and processed foods; you will also participate and encourage their ongoing and daily movement and physical activity. As a Physical Health Coach, you are an ambassador who will work closely with the girls, their families, and the community to execute social action work in their community. In addition, the coach will collaborate with their fellow coaches as well as with The GrassROOTS team President, Program, Partnership and Research Team.

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