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Power of women honoree Ava Duvernay

#1000BLACKGIRLBOOKS and the GRASSROOTS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION congratulate AVA DUVERNAY as a POWER OF WOMEN HONOREE   We applaud you for being a disrupter in your industry and for paving the way for future generations. We appreciate the way you use your power and thank you for showing the world the beauty and diversity of black women and girls. Your work inspires young girls and women around the world to be a leader and follow their passion to make a difference…

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Representation Matters – #1000BlackGirlBooks

Book reading is an essential component of cognitive and social development for children and adolescents. Reading a lot is associated with things that might be expected, such as larger vocabularies, better comprehension, and stronger writing ability. But reading also opens up the world to the reader, increasing children’s knowledge about how things work, the history of the world, and the nature of social relationships. Reading helps students to focus for longer periods of time and to persist in other academic tasks. In short, reading is a fundamental skill--a building block of other important processes.

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NJ 11-Year-Old Launches #1000BlackGirlBooks: Fox29

WTXF - 11-year-old Marley Dias, who was born in Philadelphia and lives in New Jersey, noticed recently that none of the books she was assigned at school featured anyone who looked like her.   So she responded by launching a book drive called #1000blackgirlbooks, with the goal of collecting 1,000 books featuring black female protagonists by the end of January. She plans to donate them to a library in Jamaica, with some of the books coming to Philadelphia as well.   Marley appeared on Good…

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