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SuperCamp application for girls 1st-8th grade is now open (Summer 2018)

The same camp that trained SuperGirl Marley Dias is now accepting applicants. Applications for our leadership development program are open. If you live in the City of Philadelphia and Essex County, New Jersey, you are eligible to apply for our SuperGirlsSociety (SGS).  SGS is a family-based yearlong leadership development program that works with black girls (1st thru 8th grade) and their caregiving circle. This unique association provides public health and social action programming with an emphasis on sisterhood and service…

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SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting

SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting. Led by SGS President Marley Dias, Vice President Tori Fergus and Secretary Amina Anekwe Available for viewing on GCF YouTube. SGS is GrassROOTS Community Foundation leadership development program for black girls. Girls discuss current topics, review books, learn leadership skills including public speaking and parliamentary procedures. Any questions can be directed to SGS Director, Sherille Raymond,

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SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting

SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting. Led by SGS President Marley Dias, Vice President Tori Fergus and Secretary Amina Anekwe Available for viewing on GCF YouTube. SGS is GrassROOTS Community Foundation leadership development program for black girls. Girls discuss current topics, review books, learn leadership skills including public speaking and parliamentary procedures. Any questions can be directed to SGS Director, Sherille Raymond,

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SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting

SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting. Led by SGS President Marley Dias, Vice President Tori Fergus and Secretary Amina Anekwe Available for viewing on GCF YouTube. SGS is GrassROOTS Community Foundation leadership development program for black girls. Girls discuss current topics, review books, learn leadership skills including public speaking and parliamentary procedures. Any questions can be directed to SGS Director, Sherille Raymond,

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SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting

SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting. Led by SGS President Marley Dias, Vice President Tori Fergus and Secretary Amina Anekwe Available for viewing on GCF YouTube. SGS is GrassROOTS Community Foundation leadership development program for black girls. Girls discuss current topics, review books, learn leadership skills including public speaking and parliamentary procedures. Any questions can be directed to SGS Director, Sherille Raymond,

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SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting

SuperGirls Society (SGS) monthly leadership meeting. Led by SGS President Marley Dias, Vice President Tori Fergus and Secretary Amina Anekwe Available for viewing on GCF YouTube. SGS is GrassROOTS Community Foundation leadership development program for black girls. Girls discuss current topics, review books, learn leadership skills including public speaking and parliamentary procedures. Any questions can be directed to SGS Director, Sherille Raymond,  

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Marley Receives the Smithsonian’s American Ingenuity Award

It wasn’t the sudden dinner theater that got the crowd on its feet, though. The lone ovation was reserved for 12-year-old Marley Dias, who launched an initiative called #1000BlackGirlBooks out of frustration that most of the literature she was being assigned in her Philadelphia-area school “were about white boys and their dogs.” Her project set out to find—and donate—1,000 books with black, female protagonists; so far she’s collected 10,000.   Click on the source link below to see full article and Marley's…

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Marley Dias speaking at Liliuokalani Trust: WSJ article

Now 12 years old, Marley has written the book she felt was missing from her school: a story about a black girl by a black girl.   “Marley Dias Gets It Done: And So Can You!” is being published by Scholastic Inc. and will be released Jan. 30. Marley said she wanted to use her own experience in activism to show anyone can make positive changes in their communities despite their age.   “I’ve always wanted to be an author,” Marley said…

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