Public health data literacy course SUCCESS!
This summer GrassROOTS partnered with New York University School of Global Public Health to create a one of a kind public health data literacy course. We felt compelled to create this class because according to the 2020 social progress index: “The United States is #1 in the world in quality of universities but #91 in access to quality basic education”. This makes a strong argument for introducing teaching younger to key social and health issues. Further, this piece of data provides us with a compelling rationale for linking university professors with youth. To date, GrassROOTS SuperGirls have been trained by over 40 college professors. This work continues this tradition.
We are now expanding our reach to meet the larger public. Thanks to the hard work of Dr. Melody Goodman, Associate Dean of Research and Associate Professor of Biostatistics, and her team, we received almost 700 applicants. We accepted 204 high and college students; 154 signed up to participate and 120 students completed the course. Participants who missed two sessions in July were dropped from the program. All participants had to attend at least five sessions to complete. The overwhelming majority of the students were women and Black women. The course also included seven international students; three from Canada, three from Nigeria and one from Hong Kong.
We are extremely pleased with this pilot and are currently seeking additional funding so that we can implement more courses. If you would like to support this course and more free public health training, please contact us.